Sacred Sound Healing

Sacred Sound dates way back to primitive times, when Shaman would chant and dance around an individual in need of healing. Many cultures recognize the importance of sound and music for healing and transformation and the power it has to change us in positive ways. It is used in ceremony, ritual, meditation, prayer and as a natural healing modality.
Everything in the Universe is comprised of vibration and carries its own unique frequency, and everything about us is a resonating body for the pulsations of the cosmos - we are vibration in human form.
Harmonious sound is relaxing and calming to the nervous system. It reduces pain and stress and balances mood in individuals suffering from brain chemistry disorders such as depression and panic attacks. It increases endorphin levels, and shifts our brain waves to alpha and theta for meditation. It is energizing as well as restorative and enhances the immune system and other systems of the body as well.
When we are infused with harmonious sound, we open up a direct line of communication with the Divine. Sacred Sound has an effect on cellular physiology in that every sound that we hear, ultimately metabolizes our physiology.
Healing sounds can bring discordant energy into harmony and balance. It has the power to clear negative patterning and energy distortions from deep within the roots and facets of the chakras, meridians and energy field. When sacred sounds are produced with healing intent, they create sympathetic resonance in the physical and energy bodies. Silence is another important part of the sound healing process, as it is where the integration takes place - sound is born from silence.
Sound healing can involve the use of vocal toning, overtone harmonics and ancient languages of light that are generated internally and externally. There are a variety of instruments such as: crystal and metal singing bowls, chimes, gong, drum, tuning forks, didgeridoo, flute, etc. that can be added and integrated to create a harmonic soundscape. Also, Sound Healing compliments and integrates well with other healing modalities.
During a sound healing session, I work with a unique modality that I’ve developed called Vocal Alchemy (toning, chanting, overtone harmonics and Languages of Light), where I direct my voice into the person’s body to determine what areas require healing and balancing. It’s a powerful way to bring the individual into alignment with their own innate healing intelligence.
Sonic Alchemy Infusion ~ A Sound Journey into Embodied Consciousness
Sonic Alchemy infusion is a harmonic tapestry of sound vibration that’s produced by Alchemy crystal singing bowls, metal bowls, voice, gong, chimes, and other sonic instruments that is deeply relaxing, calming and restorative. This rich immersive sound infusion can be experienced as an inner body sound massage that is very healing and balancing to mind, body and spirit. It attunes us with higher frequencies of light from cosmic forces, and deepens our connection with the pulsations and natural rhythms of the Earth. Sacred Sound is a powerful medium that helps us align with resonant vibration for magnifying our intentions, and it has the ability to transform us on multiple levels.
Maryanne Savino is a Sonic Alchemyst and Chantress with over 28 years of experience in the art and science of Sound Healing. Her mission is to assist others in achieving personal growth and to help them access their infinite potential for healing and transformation. She offers private sessions and group events in New Jersey and Globally.
*Schedule and locations to be announced*
"Everything in the universe is in a state of vibration. Resonance is the frequency at which an object vibrates most naturally. Everything has a resonant frequency, its own unique sound, whether we can hear it audibly or not. Through resonance, one vibrating body can set another body into motion". - Osunnike