The Ascension Process

Spiritual Evolutionary Journey
into Multidimensional Embodied Consciousness
What is Ascension?
Ascension is about raising the vibrational frequency on the planet through our Human Soul journey where we are experiencing a massive purification and clearing of denser energies from within so that we can receive and hold Higher Frequencies of Light. We are stepping bravely into the unknown as we let go of many layers of our ego identity of who we thought we were. Ascension is a process of ReBirthing and isn’t meant to be forced - it is about living in the moment with no agendas as all is unfolding in Divine timing. And on a planetary level, Earth is going through a dismantling and collapsing of the old paradigm that no longer supports who we are and where we are headed.
The word Ascension can be misleading as we aren’t going up and outside of ourselves, and also because this isn’t a linear path, but a spiraling journey for the Soul to go inward and down in order to rise up and expand into a new and higher level of consciousness. It is a Spiritual homecoming to embody your Divinity and to be guided by the wisdom of your Heart. As we continue to evolve, we are remembering that we are Divine beings who volunteered to be here at this time to assist Mother Gaia (the Spirit of Earth) with her Ascension through the path of Energy Alchemy.
Our Human Galactic nature is yearning for deep connection with all of creation as we anchor into the New 5D Earth. Ascension is teaching us how to be adaptable and open to change as we are letting go of the old 3D paradigm - which relates to duality, struggle, limitation and suffering. When we incarnated in human form, we came in with amnesia and forgot that we are Source and took on karmic trauma for Soul growth. Our Soul is helping us with clearing the karmic ancestral patterns, density and energy distortions from deep within our DNA. We are Alchemizing and coming into alignment with our Multidimensional Nature.
Throughout this journey, we are being infused with higher vibrational frequencies from Cosmic forces so that we can shine our light and come into Divine alignment with the New Earth grid. This vibratory process is an evolutionary upgrade for the Earth as well as her inhabitants. Many Starseeds chose to be here at this time to have a direct and embodied human experience to assist with anchoring in the “New Earth Light Codes."
Humanity is awakening to a new reality and we're being given opportunities to navigate other dimensions for evolving into 5D Crystalline Humans. We are clearing many lifetimes of old programming, limiting beliefs and patterns on a deep cellular level - so much is falling away, that we sometimes feel overwhelmed, confused, displaced and downright strange. Anything and everything that no longer serves our higher purpose is being brought up to the surface to be released. We are returning to our inner world to feel a deeper connection with Source and our Heart Essence.
Many individuals are experiencing these shifts in consciousness on a personal level and witnessing it within the collective. We’re coming into alignment with the pulsations and rhythms of a very "New Earth". It's an awakening of soul embodiment and soul expansion, guiding and empowering us to step into our mastery to live from our natural state of harmony with all of the cosmos.
Dimensions are not physical places that we go to, they are states of consciousness that vibrate at different rates. We go deep within and anchor down into Mother Earth, we then rise up and expand. I call this Ascension navigation into multi-dimensional human consciousness. We are navigating between the dimensions all the time, and being in our multi-dimensional nature includes living in the 3D world as we continue to shift.
3D - Doing, duality, limitation (Physical/Mental self)
4D - Being, enhanced creativity, more fluid and the bridge into 5D (Heart)
5D - Knowing, pure love, compassion and unity consciousness (Heart/Soul)
Ascension Symptoms
The Ascension process can bring with it many unpleasant symptoms:
Fatigue/exhaustion, muscular aches & pain, digestive discomfort/nausea, mood swings/depression, hot & cold flashes, headache/migraine, sleep disturbances/insomnia, overthinking/monkey mind, vivid dreams, heart palpitations, deep sadness/crying, anxiety/nervousness, ringing in the ears, vision changes, skin rashes, heightened sensitivity, foggy brain, feeling ungrounded and lost/detached with no sense of place (like you're in the world but not of it), a loss of identity, and the things you were once interested in are no longer calling to you, and the list goes on and on.
(We can't always assume that our symptoms are Ascension related, and even if they are it's always a good idea to get checked out by your health care provider just to be sure)
Some of the ways we can ease these unusual symptoms is:
Grounding and living with present moment awareness, maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest, surrendering and trusting the journey, meditation & prayer, practicing yoga and exercising, taking salt baths, spending time with nature, using flower essences and aromatherapy, engaging in the Arts; music, dance, writing, painting and any form of creative expression, energy healing, crystal therapy, shadow work, inner child healing, sound healing, massage therapy, working with light, color and sound technology, homeopathy, chiropractic and acupuncture treatments, gathering in CommUnity with like-spirited people for support & connection, and by utilizing whatever modalities and practices that you find helpful. Also, a good dose of humor and having fun is highly recommended, and going with the flow and living simplistically is probably the best thing we can do for ourselves.
There is another side of this journey that is important to mention: "The Contrast of Shadow and Light", we have a shadow side that yearns to be acknowledged and accepted. It has been my personal experience that our shadow helps us find our light through a journey known as "the dark night of the soul. Shadow helps us to remember who we are through life's challenges. When we acknowledge the shadow aspects that we've denied and infuse it with Love, our awareness gets stimulated - and so we then become integrated and balanced (this is known as "Entrainment"). We are here to experience the contrast of both light and shadow for growth, and it's imperative that we embrace all of our feelings and challenges - not only joy, fun and happiness, but the sadness, struggle and pain that needs our love and acceptance more than anything. As we continue moving forward, many new opportunities for spiritual growth are arriving and guiding us to explore and cultivate positive change.
Every Soul has a Divine mission here on Earth, and it is during these times of great change that we yearn for a deeper heart connection to feel and experience unconditional Love, Joy and to have Compassion - it's a return to our wild child-like nature of living spontaneously and free from restrictions and limitations. It is my belief that our Divinity within is striving to move us forward so that we can remember who we are and why we are here – we are pure beings of Light in human form who came here to assist Mother Gaia with this Ascension Process ~ A sacred path of awakening to remember that we are LOVE embodied.
“Ascension is a process. And although it affects us all in similar ways, it also creates differing spaces and experiences for each and every one of us, all according to who we are, what we may choose, and where we are at our soul levels. As time goes on, I believe that all of us will eventually end up in the God space with God and Love at the center of it all.” - Karen Bishop
"Your energetic field is in a state of change and expansion. You have begun to vibrate at higher levels as your consciousness moves more in alignment with your Higher Self. You are one of the fore runners working towards Ascension to raise the consciousness of the planet. The changes you are experiencing are not always comfortable, but they are necessary for your continued growth. The true beauty of your soul is beginning to show and it has a positive and uplifting effect on others." - Cheryl Lee Harnish