Womb Alchemy
Womb Alchemy ~ A Shamanic Journey for
Feminine Embodiment and Soul Integration

The womb is the center of creation, yet in western culture it is avoided and not given much attention. The modern day woman has lost the connection with her body and her womb essence. We are in a time of remembering who we truly are - Women of the Great Mother Goddess, re-awakening and embodying the juicy, sensual & sacredness of being an Empowered Woman.
What is a Womb Priestess?
In ancient societies, Womb Priestesses were powerful women leaders who practiced and performed sacred rituals in temples. They were trained and skilled in various spiritual practices that were healing, transformative and helped others to embody the Divine. Womb Priestesses were also chantresses, temple dancers, midwives, herbalists, oracles, and you could find them in many ancient cultures from Egypt, Africa, India, Greco-Roman, China, Tibet, Mayan, Native American and other places as well. They were also called Tantrikas, Womb Shamans, Khandros, Dakinis and Medicine Women, as they were the Wisdom Keepers in their communities. Both women and men would go to them for sexual healing as well as other forms of healing. Womb Priestesses taught women how to honor their menstrual cycles and to see blood as holy, divine and sacred. They gathered in community to share wisdom about the menstrual blood mysteries for healing, and they navigated through life by way of connecting with the elemental forces of creation: Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Spirit.
During these ancient times, the Womb was honored as the seat of a Woman's power, her wisdom, radiance and passion and as a vessel for her living vitality. The Womb was not only considered a physical organ of the Feminine reproductive system, but as an energetic sacred portal that contained the essence of life and creativity. On the physical level the womb can birth a new life in the form of a child, and on the energetic level its power can create a new project and a new way of living and being.
"Woman ~ She is the embodiment of the Universal Womb of Creation. She is connected to the Mother of all mothers and her body is a fractal representation of Earth. She holds the power of the watery realms of life source and she is the embodiment of the different faces of the Goddess. She is love, she is rage, she is compassion and she is pure wisdom."
- Author unknown