The Language of Light

What is the Language of Light?
The Language of Light is the vibrational language of your Soul's wisdom and its memory. Light Language bypasses the analytical mind and is expressed directly through the heart. It is living language that cannot be learned as it is encoded within our DNA and must be remembered. Light Language is Multidimensional Communication that filters through the Higher Self and is expressed through the physical. It attunes us with higher vibrational frequencies to help us access our own unique Crystalline Soul Codes for awakening consciousness.
There are various types of Light Language: Angelic (Angels, Archangels, Elohim), Galactic/Cosmic (from different star systems - Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Vega, Lyra, Orion, Alpha Centuri, Antares, Venus, etc.), Earth/Elemental (devic/plant, elves, faeries, nature and animal spirits), and from the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria.
Light Language can also be experienced as a unique form of channeling that holds vast amounts of information from Higher Intelligences. Embedded within our DNA, are sacred geometry light codes that can be expressed in many creative ways - through speaking, chanting as a song, writing or painting, signing and dancing. "When I am expressing Light Language, I feel a deep heart and soul connection with my Galactic & Angelic Tribes and with Mother Earth. It’s an infinite experience of remembering who I am in my most authentic, unique and multidimensional self."
As we receive Light Language downloads of information, we can transmit these frequencies to assist others for healing and transformation. Light Language affects everyone differently and is unique to each person. These powerful alchemical Light codes will activate when the individual is ready to access them from within.
Light Language can help us align with our divine purpose as we connect with Universal frequencies. When we surrender and open to the flow of Light as it moves through us, we can embody and live from of our Soul’s wisdom and guidance. Light Language transmissions re-code the DNA for alignment with higher dimensional consciousness and supports us with anchoring into the New Earth Frequencies.
What are some of the benefits and experiences of Light Language:
* Shifts us into higher & more expanded states of consciousness
* Supports us through our Ascension Journey
* Connects us with our Soul’s Wisdom & reawakens soul memory
* Increases intuition and helps us to access our unique gifts and abilities
* Activates dormant energy and helps us re-calibrate our Light Body (Auric Field)
* Restores our energy, is healing and enhances our well being
* Brings us into Divine alignment with our multidimensional nature
* Balances and harmonizes our chakras and Meridians
* Aligns us with our creative essence
* Dissolves energy distortions, blockages & limiting patterns due to trauma
*And so much more!
Light Language Arcturian Blessing:
"The Language of Light creates a resonant effect with your vibration. Much more than mere sound, it is the multilayered informational frequency of the harmony of LOVE. Light Language helps entrain your vibration to a higher vibration of love and health. It helps you release emotional, mental and physical distortions that are lowering your vibration."
- From the book: Opening to Light Language
by Jamye Price
“We have the power to unlock from deep within our DNA, our own unique Soul codes known as Light Language. How can we unlock them? By going within and dropping down into our heart-space, and then by opening to Channel from higher dimensional frequencies - Star systems, Galactic/Cosmic & Angelic energies and Elementals/Earth energies. We are remembering our Divinity through Light Language, and when we access and transmit these codes of light, we get to have an infinite experience from our Multidimensional self. Within our cellular memory is Sacred Wisdom that is yearning to be expressed and shared with the Multiverse. Light Language is truly a language of LOVE that opens our heart to experience Joy, Peace & Oneness .” - Maryanne Savino
I am featured in the book: Light Language Emerging
by Yvonne Perry

If you are interested in having
a Light Language Healing Session,
please contact me at,
Phone: 347-418-8641